How We Germinated

It took root at the dinner table
The concept of Red Shed malting started as a small seed, when Joe started brewing small batches of beer. It took root through numerous conversations at the family dinner table and was nourished by the desire to taste John's barley in Joe’s beer.

They began touring breweries within Alberta and through their conversations with the brew masters, they identified a need for locally sourced, traceable specialty malt. Currently, most specialty malts are imported into Canada. After extensive research, conversations with industry experts, and attending the CMBTC Malt Academy, they decided to start Alberta’s first craft malthouse with Canada’s first malt roaster!
They honour their agricultural history and love of craft beer by connecting farmers and brewers. Their connection to Hamill Farms allows RedShed Malting to select the highest quality grains. Red Shed Malting crafts local, sustainable and traceable base malts and their full range of specialty malts unlocks a world of possibilities for brewers and distillers.