On Wednesday July 25, Matt and Sonja attended the Olds College Field Crop Development Centre (FCDC) Field Day in Lacombe. They brought along little Henry for his first field day. It was a great day of networking and checking out all the great things the FCDC is up to.Of course, we found the barley breeding updates to be fascinating.
Head malt barley breeder Flavio and his team were showing off small plots of the varieties they have recently released to the market like Lowe and BrewNet along with up and comers like a non-GN variety and some short straw, big flavour options. The new varieties that they introduce help keep barley in farmers' rotations by offering higher yields (more beers per acre), better disease resistance (fewer chemicals required), shorter straw (less lodging, more consistent barley), and earlier maturing (extends the growing season, helps avoid early Alberta frosts).
Olds College Brewery was onsite serving Brew Ha Ha, a beer made exclusively from BrewNet barley and malted by Red Shed Malting.
